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Specialists Introduction 2022-2023
Added Jul 28, 2022
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teachers at Pioneer Academy 307 and this is just a brief video for you to know and understand what to expect and our classes for the upcoming 2020 to 2023 we're each of the teachers that you see presented teach a specialist subject at Pioneer Academy p.s. 307 and we are each going to spend a few minutes talking about what you can expect for your children and I are classes so thank you for taking the time to watch the video and we are going to get started with our first teacher that is excuse me teachers excuse me which is their coach pain and coaches are safe to explain physical education hello everyone this is coach there's a key throughout the year in physical education class will be exploring a number of skills and activities including locomotor movements tossing catching throwing chasing fleeing and dodging dribbling balance striking volume dance and Fitness okay thank you coach Stars Vicki and our next slide will believe believe be presented by coach pain hello everyone I'm coach pain throughout the year in physical education class will also explore number of Health topics including space and safety the importance of physical activity hygiene the fitt principle the components of fitness and hydration okay thank you coach pain and coach zarzycki now to talk about art we our wonderful our teachers mr. T and mr. G Granville family is so dirty and there's mr. G teach art cave princess color line shape texture value all Art Van Furniture get owner observation and discussion and we've harnessed statements about our work naked women learn different skills different media practice creative processes with a variety of different pencils markers next socks in Spanish if you would like to pause the video translation next Lionel this is mr. garfinkel or mr. G and grades kindergarten through second grade we are beginning to learn about art or learning how to hold the materials and how to safely use the materials so while we do talk about the elements of art the focus is more on having fun in a different artist to May Inspire us to do our own artwork and also just being safe around things like paint markers pencils sculpture things and other materials I'm Hannah translated if you would like to pause the video so I'm looking someone me units that we have next line answer and greens 3.5 in a little bit more in Zack and focusing on some artists studies are you also going to in different art movements are you talking about some different cultural and historic artworks in that month all art projects that mean then we will eat near me and I'm four. I think that's about it thank you okay thank you mr. T and thank you mr. G now next we have out and excuse me forgive me here we have the Spanish PlayStation 4 any parents would like to pause the video and take a minute to read now next we are going to be discussing with our so disgusting science with our science teacher Miss andujar hello everyone I'm just who are the science teacher currently teach kindergarten through fifth grade on this slide here you will see some of the units that we will study in kindergarten first and second grade in each grade we have a physical science unit a living environment unit and earth science unit in kindergarten first is deck colors learn the basics of and animals there need their defenses and the type of relationship they have together kindergarten will also learn about solids and liquids and then second grade they will build and learn more about the property of those materials for physical science we learn pushes and pulls light and sound and for earth science we learn about the sunlight weather the Earth's rotation and about landforms mix live mr. Elam and now for a 3rd 4th and 5th graders again we take those foundational skills from K 1 and 2 on we built on them do in each of these grades again there's a living environment unit that we learned about the environment that plants and animals live in we learn about ecosystems are restored we learn about how animals use their adaptations to survive in earth science we continue to grow in weather in climate in environments across the world we look at the features of the Earth and the systems that make our planet what it is and finally and physical science we learn about forces magnets some electricity circuit until all of all the science you can help your child at home by taking major work walk looking at animal behaviors outside keep it weather Journal making observations of something as simple as a rock or soil or sand you can care for a plant in your home you can make slime and talk about the process you can even traced Your Shadow just Rich conversations with your Scholars at home to build a science understanding thank you alright thank you miss Andrew hard coming up next week you're going to have technology which will be presented by our technology teacher Miss Sentra hi my name is Miss dentron I am the technology teacher for kindergarten through fifth grade why'd you get a technology overview of what we doing technology so what we learned in our class is dollars develop an understanding that a computer is a tool for Learning and creating and Technology we mostly use computers a most of our projects and activities next. Philips 4K to these are the areas that we focus on beginning in kindergarten focus on computer Basics do Scholars need to understand parts of a computer and how to operate a computer we also focus on digital citizenship which is demonstrating good digital citizenship behaviors and the responsible use of technology and this includes media balance and well-being and privacy and safety online the focus also begins on keyboarding and kindergarten we start to use the keyboard and scholarship able to locate and use correct finger hand placement for know how to locate spacebar answer and use the shift key do whipping with this practice they gain proficiency I'm in speed and an accuracy I will also focus on coding we coding it allows them to explore block-based visual programming language to understand how computers follow instructions an engraved three 5 we continue working on keyboarding again making sure that Scholars know how to locate use correct finger hand placement for spacebar and turn the key and by third grade I should be gaining Proficiency in speed and accuracy digital citizenship is also the focus in beginning from third grade we also work on privacy and safety understanding what are the responsibilities of being an aunt Citizen and how to stay safe online we also discussed cyberbullying and social media and we continue with coating again where they can explore block basic visual programming languages to understand how computers follow instructions we use programs such as I'm in in 325 we also work on learning multimedia applications and again these are different programs smoking that use multimedia tools to fill out that allows them to express ideas information with others do some of the applications or program that we use our Google slides and Adobe spark thank you okay thank you Miss Cintron for that explanation next we are going to talk about social studies and that is actually with myself Mr Elum High families thank you for taking the time to watch this video I am the social studies teacher here at Pioneer Academy social studies is a very important topic for lots of different reasons one of those would be helping our Scholars understand just how the world is today and how it became that way I talked with them often. how to understand the present you need to be able to understand the past we didn't get to where we are today as an accident throughout our social studies study is in first second third fourth and fifth grade we try to have focus on people and the things that make them unique and individual because we live in such a diverse world and at the same time how despite all that diversity we still have plenty of similarities as well as human being now in first grade Scholars will be talkin about families the concept of past and present and patriotic symbols meaning symbols that represent the United States of America in second grade the curriculum then shifts focusing on New York City Urban suburban and Rural communities and again a focus on patriotic symbols to help them further understand things that represent the United States the country where we live I'm in third grade we then start to put the focus outward to the rest of the global Community we first begin with talking about global geography and focusing on map skills related to the entire world and then and we try to incorporate to case studies that relate directly to parts of the world to where our student bases from we start first with South America with the focus Pacific on Peru and they in Asia with his Focus specifically on China and if time permits we try to include a third continent region as well in 4th grade the focus shifts back to New York State start off with talking about the geography of New York State as a whole and then also Native Americans in New York the first people to live in this part of the world we then also continue into the American Daniel. With a New York Focus this time include the time leading up to and during the American Revolution last in fifth grade we focus on the Western hemisphere which is part of the world in which we live we focus first on European exploration and its effects on the Western Hemisphere starting off with its effect on the natives that were here first that the scholars first learned about in 4 and then we shift that over into excuse me how the Western Hemisphere began to develop we start with the Dominican Republic and we then use that as a focus to learn about the history of the entire island of Hispaniola and if time permits we then move our Focus to the country of Mexico which is part of North America now on the bottom there are links for scholar work photos New York sightseeing and also New York City Department of Ed. Social studies activities now we want to thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video we hope we know or we hope you know how we appreciate you how wonderful we think your children are and how blessed we feel to be a part of the community here in Corona we hope you have a great day and we're looking forward to seeing you in the 2020 to 2023 School